For the last 3 years we have been working with Durham County Council on the BRASS Music festival. A great client open to loads of fun and creative ideas. But this year I think we have taken it to another level with the design of a double-decker open top bus.
The Big BRASS Bus is a mobile stage and classroom for kids to learn and play brass instruments, aiming to inspire the next generation of musicians. The bus then turns into a stage with brass bands playing on the top deck to audiences at venues throughout Durham. The client wanted a design with impact that would get noticed. So we delivered!
The Big BRASS Bus unveiling was this weekend, touring the North East region visiting landmarks and promoting the BRASS festival. Our client described the bus design as “Awesome”.
We’re not ones for blowing our own trumpet, but when it comes to a creative project like this, and it is the BRASS festival, blowing our trumpet is a must!
To find out where the Big BRASS Bus will be search #BRASSbus The main BRASS festival is 7 – 16 July all over County Durham.